I’ve enjoyed a rollercoaster of memories and moments looking back on 2020. It’s incredible that all of the things I’m highlighting below happened in 1 year. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of the Ballplayer family and I’m looking forward to whatever 2021 has in store!
First - the good old days..
20+ kids in one batting cage, birthday parties, large groups… Does anyone remember those?
The 9,000sq/ft batting cage tent.. that never was. Would have been epic..
Opening Days
The 2020 season - consisting of opening day and not much else..
Lockdown + Free Equipment
We closed down, but opened up our free gym equipment rental service
Beginning of Zoom Workouts
We hit the ground running with virtual workouts.. Did you join one?
Instagram Motivation
Highlighting athletes and keeping our members engaged
Physical Distancing Workouts
Sunshine and outdoor workouts for all ages
The dog park
Turning a dog park into a camp and baseball venue all summer long
Back open.. sort of
Back in the facility (with masks on) for training and baseball
If you build it… they will come
If you can’t rent a field, build one! #BallplayerField